Yes, it’s time for rhyming fare.
Run for cover! (Grab a chair?)
“Value” talk, if I may dare…
Shall we whisper? Shall we blare?
Chat about beliefs you share?
Care to broach the hats you wear?
Roles you wrestle with or bear?
Some for which you have a flair?
Spouse and parent and professional –
(Ring of pride, or more confessional?)
Moi? I’ve worn my brims and plumes,
Varied veils that life assumes:
First the daughter, then the student,
Loyal friend (yes, always prudent).
Naturally, the writer, too,
Sticking with my verbal glue.
Shall we add the wife and mother?
Tending always to the other?
Proudly borne – my time as Mom;
Ex-wife role? Much less aplomb!
Alas, we can’t predict each turn,
Though surely we can try to learn.
So what of values once the norm?
Fundamentals we now scorn?
Are the basics out of style –
Please and thank you, and a smile,
Honor, trust, and hey, no lying,
Working hard; at least, still trying?
Solving problems? We’re persisting,
Selfishness, we are resisting –
“My” stuff’s no more right than yours;
Life is more than grades and scores.
Look, I make no righteous claims
Through the bouts of shouts and blames.
Haven’t all of us bent rules?
Haven’t we at times been fools?
But why is “nice” considered bad?
“Perfect” never will be had!
I’ll take “good” – it’s great! I’m glad!
Grass is greener? Are you mad?
NOT for going back in time;
Still – it seems like such a crime –
Classic values out of fashion,
Give me back my hats of passion!
Character and yes, one’s word –
Solid, not some flighty bird.
Sturdy sense of self as well?
Absolutely. Can’t you tell?
Yet, old school in certain ways,
Renders meaning through long days.
Let’s rethink the hats we choose,
And those we toss, with much to lose.
For Your Reading, Rhyming Pleasure, Try these on… at Your Leisure

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