We’re headed into a holiday weekend. You may be up for a little unleavened bread or, you’ve tucked away chocolate and eggs in case a certain floppy-eared creature needs to dip into your stash.
Either way, you probably visited one or more of your local markets – for food, for drink, and possibly for flowers.
I made a quick trip through one of my favorite places. Whole Foods. Let’s face it – everything is gorgeous, though it can be pricey.
But even the budget-conscious parent can shop there – you’d be surprised – with certain of their foods competitively priced and, of course, organic.
But the best part of my run-through, besides the low-low $15 expenditure? Everywhere I went throughout the store, I was greeted with smiles.
Care to see some of the wonderful faces I encountered this morning? Naturally, I asked permission before taking a photo. Each person you see here was happy to oblige, and as always, extremely helpful.
I don’t know about you – but if anything is on my mind, a smile makes an extraordinary difference. That’s customer service. But a smile is so much more. It’s the tiniest gesture that can lift a person’s spirits, and it’s the sort of engagement that requires so little of us. Why don’t we do it more often?
In addition to my pleasurable visit to the market, someone I’ve known for twenty years did me a great kindness this morning. I wasn’t expecting it. I am extremely grateful. Her goodness and the random acts of smiling?
What can I say? Heaven.
May I also note that I saw a customer in the store who stopped me in my tracks with her beauty. For all I know, she’s someone I ought to know. (I’m not up on my pop culture as I should be; my sons would be ashamed!)
But it wasn’t simply her physical beauty that drew me to her. I was waiting behind her for service near the bakery, and she gave off a sort of warmth and ease that was captivating. She, too, allowed me to snap a photo.
My thanks to each of the individuals who so graciously participated in my photo adventure. Enjoy the pictures, your holiday preparations, and your families and friends if you celebrate with them. If you’re like me – it’s life as usual! Nose to the grindstone (or the kids and taxes), and happy for finding the smiling wherever I can.
This gentleman was delightful! (The counters are so much taller than I am. I’m not so easy to see – and once he saw me – he was just charming.)
This gentleman gives free samples! (Yes, pizza.) Actually, Whole Foods gives samples throughout the store. Now, now. Don’t plan on dining gratis via the samples, but I will say, a slice of pizza with a smile makes for an excellent lunch.
She bakes cakes! How could she not be sweet? The fact is – I think the desserts she makes must be filled with good humor. (Or is that my excuse for daring to look, and every now and then, purchasing something decadent?)
When I can’t get to the Farmer’s Market, I buy my bread fresh from this gentleman. He’s always lovely and friendly, and OHMYGOD the bread is fantastic.
Look at this woman. Isn’t she gorgeous? And her smile is contagious, don’t you think?
- Have you offered a smile for no reason lately?
- Do you find that when strangers are kind or friendly, your mood improves?
- Any special plans for the weekend? (I may be busy on my computer, but I will be smiling.)
All photos, yours truly (clearly, not a professional photographer!)

Love this.
It’s always so wonderful when we “connect” with someone through something as simple as a smile. Smiles between friends and family are wonderful, but smiles from strangers are what can begin contagious good will.
Contagious good will… Can you imagine?
I do notice a lot of people with unpleasant expressions walking around and find myself trying to make sure I look a bit more happy/serene. (Also, one’s perceived IQ goes up miles if one doesn’t walk around with an open mouth). I try to smile every time I say please or thank you and I try to smile at little old ladies I pass – we are all so invisible to many. If I had a smile half so gorgeous as that last woman, I’d go around grinning like an idiot!
Do they call Whole Foods Whole Paycheck where you are?
Good one, Wolf… You have to know what to buy there, and what to buy elsewhere… (Bobbing and weaving through the assorted market aisles…)
Loved the spirit of all the smiles in this post. Thanks BLW!
And all those smiles really made my day, Rudri… I was hoping to spread a little of it around.