Those of us who unabashedly call ourselves fans are counting down the days. Just seven more to go.
Mad Men Season 5 premieres – at last – Sunday evening March 25 on AMC TV.
The New York Times covered the upcoming season not long ago, as has increasing media promotion on all fronts.
As if we wouldn’t remember!
And in anticipation of seeing my favorite television characters again, I took a brief but enjoyable look back, all the way to the Season 1 Opener, virtual martini in hand.
What a pleasure it was to revisit the show’s premiere, noting the seeds of later story lines expertly planted, and the characters revealing themselves to be deliciously flawed. Mad Men’s glossy look and feel may have hooked us visually, but the writing and acting have captivated us for four seasons.
Mad Men‘s Women
I especially enjoyed an article in Newsweek by journalist Eleanor Clift, who reflects on Mad Men in light of her own professional beginnings in the 1960s. Much like the character of Peggy, she began her career as a typist. Ms. Clift writes:
The two days I spent hanging around the set of Mad Men were like entering a time capsule that took me back to that period in the ’60s, everything from the pencil skirts and stockings with garters to the electric typewriter that was the latest technology.
Without question, Mad Men provides food for thought to contemporary women of any age, addressing issues that were rarely discussed in the sixties and still remain contentious – sexual double standards, marital rape, homosexuality, and every sort of prejudice (racial, religious, social).
As in life, there is no simplistic moral compass; clear in the behaviors of both the men and women in this award winning drama.
Ms. Clift’s article reminds us that not nearly as much has changed as we may think. She describes the dilemma and opportunities of the 1960s, in particular for women:
Peggy benefits the most, achieving professional status at a time when that was not commonplace for women, and yet she struggles with what she’s missing. “Should I have married? Should I be having babies?
Mad Men Season 4 – and More to Come in Season 5
It hardly seems possible that it’s been over a year since we dropped our jaws over Don and Megan’s engagement. And with Mad Men’s Season 4 all about moving forward – neatly captured in the final episode’s title, “Tomorrowland,” what might we anticipate for the premiere of Season 5, as “tomorrow” approaches the today of the late 1960s?
Cue the new bottle of Stoli in the fridge, (im)patiently awaiting next Sunday night…
- Looking forward to the new season of Mad Men?
- Laying odds on whether or not Don and Megan’s nuptials take place? And the duration of their union?
- Any conjecture as to the Don’s ex Betty, and second hubby Henry? A few more marital challenges ahead?
- And what about expectant Joan, with Greg stationed in Vietnam? Will she ultimately become a single mother?
Pop over for More on Mad Men…
Images courtesy AMC TV’s Mad Men.

Love love love this show.
It is fantastic, isn’t it, Madge? (One more week!)
March 25th seemed so long ago back when it was announced, it is hard to believe it is less than a week now to showtime. I’m looking forward to the season; my guess is Don will be Don and the wedding won’t happen, Betty will ignore political appearances and support feminism or something equally distasteful to her husband, and Joan’s husband will likely meet his maker in Vietnam. The 1960’s references should heat up this season since it is 1966 or so; flower power doesn’t mix well with the scotch and water crowd.
Like you, batticus, I think it will be especially interesting watching how the men respond to the changes in the women. I wonder to what extent Vietnam will play out in the background, not to mention how the Draper children may see their rapidly changing world.
Quite right about the collision course of hippies and establishment. But recall Don and Midge? Our (anti) hero may roll with the punches quite well; he’s the ultimate outsider.
(Delighted you’ll be watching and commenting along with us… ) Now it’s only six more days!