More men? More older men?
Apparently the traditional age gap is closing. Men are living longer. Isn’t this good news for all of us?
All the business of caring for an aging population aside – health care, insurance, pharmaceuticals, retirement communities, financial planning – what could this mean for American society? For our beleaguered employment environment? For Medicare and Social Security?
What might it mean for gray divorce and remarriage? For online dating?
Will the next decades be raining men? Older men?
About a week ago, the New York Times hosted an interesting discussion on its Room for Debate pages, asking if America is ready for more old men.
The participating editorials attack the subject from a variety of angles, and I plucked a few tidbits to chew on, here. Demographers note that
the number of men age 65 and older increased by 21 percent from 2000 to 2010, nearly double the 11.2 percent growth rate for women in that age group.
Opinions are all over the map as to what the “more men problem” could mean. Some experts are looking at the increased economic burdens to society. Others are viewing the advantages – not only in what these men may continue to contribute, but the social advantages, believing that if men live longer, there will be “shorter widowhoods” and retiree couples rocking on the proverbial front porch; no longer the silver haired sorority.
You’re only as young as the woman you feel
So here come the baby boomers – yes, I am among them, and no, we won’t slink off quietly. We’re (apparently) taking better care of ourselves, we’re certainly looking better than “old folk” once did, and we’re refusing to kick it quite so fast, even with four decades behind us that include an increasing number of women wearing down in the wilds of the workforce.
And yes, women are paying a price for those long hours and stressful jobs once reserved for men – especially with no “wife” to come home to. Women are also increasingly devoted to mothering (in more professional fashion), increasingly “sandwiched” in caring for kids longer and elder parents living longer, and many – finding themselves caught in the constancy of running 24/7 – the mad juggle of Breadwinner-Superwoman cum Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.
Yes, that was me. And maybe it’s you. Women whose “having it all” was more like “doing it all.” Women under stress. Women losing their safety nets (home, marriage). Women, potentially living shorter lives, while the men are living longer. And those men, with the aid of the little Blue Pill, enjoying growing older more than they once did, possibly coupling up a second or third time, with nicely nipped-and-tucked older (younger?) women, but nonetheless – coupled in their dotage.
You’re only as young as the woman you feel?
Life, Death, Joy, Grief
In a rather callous analysis of the senior situation, author Jane Gross confronts the demographic data with, well… you could say aplomb. Or, bitterness. She writes:
Workplace changes, coupled with the “having it all’’ lifestyle, which presumes shared responsibility for children and household tasks but hasn’t turned out that way; plus divorce, single parenthood, chosen or imposed; and the increase in the number of never-married women who have no division of labor, even an unfair one, would suggest that women will start to die younger and men will catch up to them. But gender equality is a myth, in some ways a pretty story we tell ourselves and in other ways a reason to be glad to be a woman.
She continues:
Look at the data about widowers vs widows: The men have a higher incidence of mental and physical illness, disability, death and suicide.
I may agree that “having it all” is a pretty myth, but is this author happy that men are less resilient than women?
Professor Stephanie Coontz takes a more upbeat stand, reflecting on the fact that men continue to make strides in their “nurturing” skills and sharing of traditional female tasks. Her position is somewhat kinder to say the least, but she doesn’t want us to get ahead of ourselves, reminding us:
… there are still five million more women than men in that age group [65+]
She goes on to write:
… it remains true that older men have more opportunities than older women to repartner with someone of a younger age…men and women in happy partnerships will have more time to enjoy and nurture each other. And an older woman who leaves an unhappy marriage already has a much greater chance of repartnering, if she wants to…
Really? Has this author been on Match lately?
Perhaps I was wrong? Perhaps this is bad news for those of us at midlife? Is the 50-something single woman left to become the caretaker of the 70+ man, no matter what? And the 65-year old woman can play with the 80-year old? Older men-younger women rules, and that’s the name of the game?
Okay, okay, I’ll stow my sarcasm and I won’t jump to conclusions. And fascinating as this dialog may be, the voices on Room for Debate left me wanting. Desirous of the personal.
Aging, Compassionately
For one thing, 65 doesn’t seem particularly decrepit any longer – certainly not to me. I count individuals from 20-something to 60-something in my circle of friends.
The sixties? Old?
Hardly. They’re vibrant, contributing, curious, and sexual. Sure, at 60-something they have aches and pains, a history of wins and losses, financial burdens – burdens of all sorts. So do I. Don’t you?
I grant that women are tougher than we appear; we learn resilience from a young age in ways that differ from the sort of ruggedness that men are expected to display. But I’m happy if men are living longer. The economics? We’re screwed already in so many ways, and I’d like the men I know around as long as possible – our husbands and lovers, our neighbors and friends, our fathers and uncles, our grandfathers with their wisdom and humor, and I hope – getting a little on the side.
Seriously? I loathe the detached fashion in which people are so easily disposed of, or relegated to a statistic. And as much as I might have my own issues with what I’ve had to carry in my lifetime as a woman – and with the “good fight” that remains – why wouldn’t we be happy that we’re living longer, healthier lives, if indeed that’s the message in all this?
Major impacts? Of course.
And those include narrowing options for women by taking on and dealing with too much – a hugely complex set of issues, many of which are enumerated by Jane Gross. As for the inevitable increased burden to care giving, we’ll have to deal with that, too. But my preference? Let’s be wiser in our choices concerning quality of life – and otherwise, figure it out – for both sexes.
© D A Wolf

Yes there might be more men but quality will remain an issue.
I also find I don’t have a lot in common with men who are 10-15 years older than I am so it’s highly unlikely I would choose to date someone that age, unless he was like-minded. So far, that’s not happening. I had to take care of my husband until he died and I’m going to try and make sure that the next one has a better overall physical profile/family background before getting married again.
As long as they don’t show up with a bottle of little blue pills.
Ah Pj, I love the way you think… 😉
I have to agree with Blancmange. The quality.. does not match the quantity. I continue to hope…
(Riffing from the comment above) I was offered a blue pill by a friend in my early 50s. It was just out of the blue, so to speak, and unexpected. I just didn’t think I needed it. I mean, if everything works why tempt fate.
Instead we went to the fanciest golf course this new golfer will ever golf in. That was an experience I could talk about in public. Playing those greens was like putting on linoleum!
Maybe the little blue pills might make sense when I’m in my 60s or 70s if I have problems. But then I don’t think it will be about how hard I am but my stamina that would play the biggest part. A little cake is fine, but 4 hours of cake is just too much.
Four hours of cake, and eat it too? 😉 (Soooo sorry. Couldn’t resist…)
Oh Wolf, you are soooo bad (see above @Gandalfe comment)! I think the jury is still out of what effect this phenomena will have on women in the long run. Many men will probably still seek out younger women in their golden years, but quality and quantity cuts both ways.
What’s the expression, Lisa? I’m so bad I’m good? 😉 And yes, I quite agree – quality and quantity cut both ways.
I’m 45, and love older men. I want a man who is finished having his mid-life crisis, and is confident in who he is. To me, that type of confidence is sexy.
Hi Dawn, I’m delighted you read and decided to comment on this article. I certainly hear you about wanting a man who is past the midlife crisis! And yes, confidence is certainly sexy.
I think one of the worries that some women have about “older men” (over 50? over 55? over 60?) is that they won’t be sexual, or energetic enough. My own experience and that of friends tells me otherwise – and that’s without the little blue pill! I still believe that so much depends on a genuine connection between partners – that spark, common values, an ability to laugh together.
I’ve found it occasionally in men who are younger. I’ve found it occasionally in men who are older. But the important thing is to find it! Here’s hoping that you will. 😉