These are just a few of the terms that decorate a glossy black bag I came across at the market yesterday. It was a steal at $2.00, and I went for it.
Its purpose?
To hold a limited amount of food as I do my shopping mindfully – looking to reduce expenditures (and waste), not to mention to reinforce healthy habits as we head into a new season.
Admitting to my preference for virile verbs over neutered nouns and apathetic adverbs, may I say that I was seduced and stirred by the action-oriented appeal of these hopeful and helpful phrases?
Ra Ra to Rediscovery: Re the Sun God
The carry bag’s marketing message is clear – to encourage eating well and recycling. But the striking selection of verbs – each beginning with the prefix “re” – suggests more than spending sagely and consuming smartly. “Re” reminds us that repetition – striving to accomplish something again, or again and again – is routine.
But I thought of something else when I saw that particular prefix – the Egyptian sun god, Ra – also spelled Ré. And incidentally, Ra is thought to be linked to the words for creator, yet creation was not accomplished in a vacuum, as Ra would travel across the morning and evening sky accompanied by Perception (Sia), Command (Hu), and Magic Power (Heka).
So why not seek to recreate ourselves during the season of the solar deity as he climbs high, lingers late, and does so in good company?
Strengthened By Inspiration
Still in the connective mode of motivating moments, I was inspired in my morning reading by this article on 74-year old bodybuilder Ernestine Shepherd, who began her physical fitness transformation in her fifties. While I may have a few limitations that she did not at the time, I’m reminded not to make assumptions that I can’t grow stronger, more fit, or healthier.
I can review, revisit, revise – including my own mindset and habits – as I recognize a need to redirect, restore, and revitalize.
As summer begins, I am rediscovering a desire to regain control of my life where I have previously ceded it (over and over again?) to pressing issues. Oh you know the ones – kids, schedules, financial constraints. But in trying to inch toward improvements in taking care of myself, I’m hoping not to psych myself out with impossibly ambitious goals; like many women – mothers in particular – I know my tendency to set the bar too high. I am relearning that the rhythm of consistent attention – a small effort each day – serves me better than unrealistic expectations.
Aging Gracefully
In a recent article by Barbara Hannah Grufferman, offering tips for aging with grace and good health , the author reiterates a message essential for all of us, but in particular women over 50. Among her many points are these: the importance of healthy eating (not dieting), the ease and benefits of walking, the value of strengthening muscle, and the necessity of listening to our bodies.
And in wise words I would like to highlight, there is another rejuvenating ingredient that helps the sun shine more brightly – to do with fundamental connections – and that, of course, is a healthy sex life.
Don’t think just because you’re over 50, it’s time to lock this particular door and throw away the key. Sex can be better than ever after 50. For most of our lives, we’ve been having sex for a reason: to procreate. Now, we no longer have a goal… so sex is something we can do for sheer pleasure.
Perhaps we can retrieve one more tenacious term: reorient.
With all change, we may experience some measure of discomfort. Advancement is often predicated on destruction – of old habits, unhelpful attitudes, precepts that no longer work. So we reorient, if we’re willing; it’s what we do to renew, whatever the season – over and over again.

Re-creation — we’re working on that over here big time. Hope your own adventures in rediscovery, renewal, and reinvention give you plenty to regale us with 😉
Reorient. I like that.
Great word, isn’t it? Along with plenty of other “re” verbs…
Re-sonant 🙂
I happened to read about Ernestine Shepherd this morning… Doesn’t she look fantastic? I hope I look half as good at that age… 🙂
I love words starting with “re” I’m all for reinventing and recreating… I think it’s never too late to “start over”… ( I would have tons to comment on this one post… But I have to go to sleep…)
Bonne Nuit!! XXX
Ernestine really is inspirational (and amazing) – I agree!
Ra’s rays are shining a bit too strongly here for my taste. (Re-minds me that I need to re-stock our supply of sunscreen.) 🙂
Ahhh, summer. It’s better than the New Year for resolutions. Recently I took a womens self defense class and realized I need to desperately get back into shape! At least regain some upper body strength. I have great intentions, but life seems to keep getting in the way. I know, no excuse. But it’s the only one I have. But hope springs eternal that I will some day get serious.
Of course sex can be fun… I plan to continue to enjoy a healthy sex life well into my 90’s. Love the bag! and the price even better.