Another wretched, restless night of 84 degrees indoors, and I’m one hot little mama, further fueled by feral hot-hottie-hot hormones, hassling the Heat & Air provider to hurry help along! Blushed and flushed, spirits crushed, body mush, no corset coquetterie is on the horizon until this vexed vixen sees some fixin’ on the AWOL air!
It’s been another morning of errands (just to be somewhere cool), the car breaking down again (didn’t I just fix it???), one woeful call to the air repair company, and HOORAY – the cavalry is currently on site and working. Not only is he here, but he’s 40-something, over 6′ tall, and as gentlemanly as they come.
He just identified the problem on both AC systems.
I don’t generally flit about my household in my teeniest tiniest camisole and fitted capris, but today is a day for teeny tiny anything that keeps me conscious!
If that means the air repair guy enjoys the view as part and parcel of his work day, I’ll consider that my pleasure, just as his pecs are a perk, his broad shoulders a bountiful bonus, his calm and composure, conquering the catastrophe.
Sweat pours from his brow. I offer him an icy coke and he thanks me, then gets back to work outside, in the heat. He will return to check the thermostat – as he has already, several times. The fix is in process, but I fear I’m continuing to bubble over.
In fact, this weary woman hasn’t had domestic services rendered in a very long time around ye olde homestead. And I didn’t notice a ring on his finger. I may just ice up another cool drink and hit a dab of Chanel. I believe that excellent customer service merits acknowledgment.
Oh dear. I think we just exchanged one sort of heat for another, but at least it is a reminder that I’m still alive and kicking, even as temperatures continue to climb in the sultry South. 95 and rising, even as he works my systems nearby.

Oh my goodness — no air conditioning? There’s only one good place to be when the temperature rises, as it has here — and don’t believe Cole Porter when he told us that “its too darn hot”!
Three days and three nights (over the holiday weekend, of course). But the Magical Repair Hunk just got things working properly. It’s starting to cool down. Unfortunately, I’m not. . . 😉
Hot and cool and pec perks, oh my.
Nice HOT post. He sounds like exactly what you need to cool you down. I say go mama! 😉
Just think, this could be the beginning of a movie! Yes, you know which kind I mean.
Rated… ??? 😉
Amazing alliteration acknowledging alluring attractions!
Appreciating Authorship,
Moviewise this made me think of “The Fountainhead,” but I guess I’m old school. Another good, and growing older, movie for hot nights is “Body Heat.” I love Kathleen Turner’s line when she first meets William Hurt in a bar: “You’re not too bright, I like that in a man.”
The Fountainhead? Really? Hmm. This guy was about as tall as Gary Cooper… 🙂
“Body Heat” is a simmering movie. Probably not what I need right now!
(Maybe Maureen and I need to get together and go cruising… and I don’t mean on the ocean.)
Broken AC is bad news! I have no AC but don’t need it here on the Vineyard, altho I sure as hell wish I had it this week! I have fans everywhere and am still sweating. Loving work so I can be cool in the library air!
I know what you mean about “servicing.” I would be checking out a tall service guy with no ring at this point. Oh, yes I would. Have at it my friend! Don’t waste the heat.
I know you’re having a heat wave, and it’s not so hot out here. I actually miss hot nights with a girlfriend hanging out in panties and a camousole. That’s hot!
OH my heavens. Hot and sultry, madam, just how you like it. Soooo…..? Did the 40-something get outta there cooled off from the re-functioning A/C or was he perhaps a bit hot and bothered?
He was hot. Bothered? Not sure. Probably had to get to the next overheated household. 😉
So you didn’t get his number??? tsk tsk tsk…’re slacking! 😉
You could have gotten your heels cooled and hormones! LOL
Glad you’re getting cooled off in at least one way. Great read.