The Complaint Department is Open!
But today, I’m also in search of silver linings, if you happen to have any in sight. Mine? Wimbledon Week 2 is here! And that helps everything, even though I missed last week’s incredible 11-hour match with its extraordinary 70-68 fifth set!
So here is my contribution to Monday morning moaning and groaning. And then let ‘er rip! This is a free zone. Everything is fair game – no complaint too small!
So what’s driving you crazy??
Whining and dining
What have I got to bitch about? (Oh, there’s always something, isn’t there?)
- I haven’t seen any Wimbledon! Last week was so busy and all-about-kid that I missed the record-breaking John Isner win, and the Queen’s first visit in 33 years. And everything else!
- I need Andy Roddick, with or without shirt! How could I have missed my Andy Roddick fix?? And Clijsters or Henin? Who do I root for? (Pretty lame as complaints go, I know.)
- I am seriously sleep deprived (Okay. Legitimate complaint.) Nights and nights and nights. Brain function has been reduced to irritable blips. Patience is nil.
- There’s no food in my fridge! (Does Five Guys deliver, avec peanuts?)
- Every muscle in my body hurts after a weekend trip of planes, trains, and bumpy shuttle buses. Serious stair climbing (college dorms, university tour) offered a special bonus for my beleaguered back and limbs. I am in bed. Movement is unlikely for awhile. . .
Now my silver lining
Silver linings abound (also known as perspective).
- The weekend was tiring but went smoothly. Flights were delayed but the universe gave back in entertaining fellow travelers. I’m home! And honestly? In a great mood (and really no complaints).
- I will have THIS week to enjoy Wimbledon 2010! (I’m immobile anyway.) May all wardrobe malfunctions please occur in the next days. . . and some fantastic play!
- I have half a tuna sub in the fridge and it isn’t moldy. Hell – I can live on that for two days! And I have coffee, Motrin, coffee. It sounds like a plan to me.
- My kids are doing great. And when that’s the case, I’m happy. What’s not to love about that?
Your turn – what’s bugging you? And is there a possible silver lining?

No complaints here, well not any worth sharing.
Life is good and the sun is out. I did see the end of the Isner-Mahut match – along with bits and pieces from the two previous days. That 70-68 was games in the fifth set. It was truly amazing.
I had a fabulous weekend with newly graduated high school students, parties, and more.
Hope you recover from your travel and enjoy your time with Wimbledon.
Thanks, Nicki. Made that correction. Can’t even begin to imagine 11 hours of play. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend – yes! No clouds, silver lining anyway!
After a week of working from home because my daughter’s daycare was closed, and being able to see her first thing in the morning and spending more time with her during the week than I had in a long, long time, I’m now back to the grind. Back to only seeing her two hours a day. Monday has never sucked worse than this.
Silver lining? I don’t see it now. Perhaps it’s in the form of the upcoming long weekend. A distant consolation prize. But at least you’re making me look for one. And if that’s all I got, it’s still better than nothing. Oh but there’s something else – my daughter’s doing great, and that makes me happy. That’s my best silver lining yet, so thank you for making me see this too. I needed it, especially this morning.
Oh Justine. It just sucks to be separated from your little ones when you want to be with them. Only two hours/day has to be miserable. I wish I had a good idea for you. Yes, there is a long weekend coming. And yes, knowing your child is doing great is very very sweet.
But you sure have a good reason to complain.
Justine, if things went smoothly with your 1 week of work from home, any way to make a case for 1 or 2 days/week of work for home? Or even 2 mornings, specifying regular hours, etc.? If you can show productivity, accessibility, perhaps worth a try?
I hear you majorly on the sleep deprivation. But the silver lining? I got sick this weekend so hubby was oh-so-willing to let me nap. And that was really nice because after 9 nights of no sleep from teething baby turned majorly stuffy-nose baby, I was desperate.
BIG points when the dad takes over! (Wishing you lots of zzzz’s and a cold-free baby soon! Lack of sleep messes with everything – including mood, doesn’t it?)
Okay, I’ll indulge myself.
1. Without any inklings that it was coming on, I woke up this morning with a sore throat and runny nose. I have a huge week in front of me and starting off sick is not ideal.
2. I’m double booked in meetings most of the week.
Silver linings:
1. Long weekend on the horizon.
2. Housekeeper comes on Thursday
3. IEP learned to hug “with arms” this weekend. (He usually just leans his cheek into me, but his tiny little arms around my waist just make me melt.)
Hope you meet your Wimbledon quota this week!
Gale, you need that identical twin this week! (Keep chanting: long weekend, long weekend, long weekend. . . and little arms help everything.) Sending you positive waves for your week.
My complaint? The US blew the World Cup.
And if that’s as bad as it gets …
BLW, I think you know how much I appreciate Moaning Monday. The added silver lining segment makes me smile. And today is a rare Monday when I have no complaints. I had a sort of perspective check this past weekend that hasn’t left me yet. I had a chance to visit with some amazing people living ordinary yet extraordinary lives. I’m in awe of how much these people have had to endure and inspired by their courage to press on, their willingness to prioritize friendships and their ability to find happiness however they can.
Had you asked on Saturday, I would’ve railed about having to start the day with a $110 bill to the locksmith.
Loved reading about your weekend with your boy.
Complaint: Kat stole my complaint! But my other one is that Andy Roddick is right at this very moment locked in a heated 5th set battle against an opponent he was supposed to blow out of the water. What?!
Silver lining: Both Williams sisters were victorious this morning and we have the rest of the week of Wimbledon in store, not to mention the World Cup AND the Tour de France, which starts on Saturday. (Do you watch le Tour, BLW? You must! Perfect arm chair tourism for the achy-painsy!)
And Lu is up 7-6 in the 5th set! ACK!! OH THE STRESS! Now 7 each. . .
And Kristen, you and Kat (and a few million others) can get together to bemoan the World Cup – and while we’re at it, how about a Wimbledon and Tour de France party? Virtual champagne (French of course) and strawberries and cream for everyone?
You sound very up! Hope you’re not too sore.
I’m going thru the mumbo jumbo of financial aid and dealing with schools about changes on FAFSA’s, blah blah blah. It’s enough to make me want them to go live in a van down by the river instead of go to college. Almost.
Enjoy your tennis!
The very thought of FAFSA again makes me want to run screaming into the woods. (If I could run, that is… ) 🙂 A van by the river. I like it.
Since you asked…
1. Husband was home for few days and the house became trashed. Seriously, I keep it clean for 5 days straight and…well, that’s all I’m going to say.
2. I don’t want to do the bedtime routine by myself tonight.
3. My limbs are super sore from a hike. No amount of pain reliever will help. Not nice if you must run after kids.
4. My cell phone is trashed. And where is the money to buy a new one?
Silver Lining
1. Kids took joint nap which allowed me to take a shower. Hooray!
2. Friend came over and mentioned she might have an old cell phone I could use.
Lots of good reasons for a Monday moan! (It sucks when you clean and clean and someone (adult) doesn’t pick up after himself. Those boy creatures. . . ) But a shower is good news! An old cell is also good news! And maybe you can get the doctor in the house to take care of bedtime tonight? (Or get some heat on all those sore spots.) I hope tomorrow will be better.
Complaint: Husband worked all weekend, meaning days and nights away from me and daughter. Daughter misses him terribly.
Upside: Decided to do an impromptu dinner by meeting him at the work.. Daughter was so excited to see Daddy.
There is always a sliver of a silver lining and thanks for reminding us to look for it.
Taking a rain-check on complaints as today finds me rather blessed. Extra silver lining is that I have a little extra energy to send good wishes to BLW and to join her in sending good thoughts for everything from sore bodies to economic anxieties to World Cup woes—in the spirit of connecting in whatever state we find ourselves (furthering my pet idea that between us we make a more complete psyche than any individual and potentially alienated perspective). I see the melancholic and readily recognize it as my own, and encourage others to trust that even the good wishes of our own future selves may be whispering to us from the rafters.
Oh man, if Five Guys delivered I’d be in bad shape. Sometimes, a delicious burger hits the spot like nothing else.
Wolfie, I love that you give us this place to vent on Mondays (or Tuesdays, in my case.) Because we all need to get it out sometimes, but doing it here seems somehow healthier. And funny, because we’re all griping at the same time. What a funny symphony we make, all our bitching.
My complaining is about a friend who insisted we all go out to celebrate her birthday – on Sunday night. Ugh. I don’t go out on Sunday nights. And I don’t love friends who make too much of their birthdays, needing to be in the spotlight. It’s such an act, such an orchestrated “give me love” event that makes me feel icky. Blech!
Oh that’s a good one, Eva! The friends who love the limelight. It can get tiresome. (Did they serve good burgers at least?) 😉
I keep missing Monday morning complaining — and my mornings are several hours behind yours, given my time zone. Perhaps I’ll have to make it Monday evening complaining next week? We’ve got company coming, so I’m guessing it’ll be harder to check in online while they’re around. Sigh …
Free complaining zone, here. A bit like a Public Service. Besides, there was a gentleman by the name of Alan who only recently left a remark about people who open the corn in the produce section, and then put it back! Wasn’t that a fabulous complaint? So have at it. (You may flow over into any day you’d like, chère CT.)