I would say “I couldn’t help myself,” but I don’t care for that expression. I could chalk it up to needing to stay plugged into pop culture as a selfless act of serious journalism, but I don’t think you’d buy it.
Instead, I’ll cop to my addiction to Real Housewives of New York City, and admit that not only was I glued to the screen for RHNY Reunion Part 1, but I just lapped up Part 2, with equal portions of fascination and dismay.
Caricatures, but then again. . .
The Housewives franchise is certainly contoured to appeal to our voyeuristic side, offering up more caricature – at first – than anything else. We see it in the New Yorkers: Spoiled Material Girl (Jill), Savvy Social Climber (Alex), Tragi-Comic Smart Mouth (Bethenny), Name Dropping Parvenue (the Countess), and so on.
Yet in short order, we take a closer look, and begin to experience each cast member three dimensionally – their contradictions and vulnerabilities, set against the soap opera-like trials and tribulations of a world most of us don’t inhabit.
And then we’re hooked. We come to like these women, recognizing ourselves in their human failings, and we’re happy when “good stuff” comes their way. We laugh, cringe, and wish for them to be their better selves. Okay, at least occasionally.
Part 1 Recap
It was a strange season. Jill became the one we love to hate, and at the same time, we hated it. We didn’t get it. We want to see friends care about each other, not tear each other down.
As for the Reunion? My recap of Part 1:
- Cool dresses, hot tempers
- Mega-fighting (no surprise)
- Bethenny looked amazing, 10 days post C-section
- Alex is a new woman (and we like it)
- Sonja injects class and calm
Then there’s Jill, repeating:
It didn’t come out right.
I didn’t mean it.
I was in a bad mood that day.
And each time, an apology. Sort of, sometimes. Okay, maybe not so much.
The Feud
As in a well-crafted fictional series, we’re attached to these characters. We jeer them and cheer them, gawk at them and chuckle over them, analyze them and admire them. But we’re missing the bigger picture, and we know it.
Stir the pot, while stirring into the pot: break-ups, break-downs, post-divorce dating, illness, death, along with professional ventures, pregnancy, engagements and weddings. We’re served up gourmet gossip fare, and a fertile look at a wide range of human emotions. Much more than petty jealousy, designer fashion, and squabbling at social events.
And yet it seems much was about jealousy after all, and possibly a toxic tour of narcissism. Something about the feud between former BFFs Bethenny and Jill didn’t add up. Until last night, when admissions and confirmation came that Jill was jealous of Bethenny’s success, and was trying to sabotage it. Childish behavior. The end of a friendship.
Reunion Recap Part Deux
In last night’s airing of Part 2 there were more apologies, non-stop , from Jill. Paraphrased:
Alex to Jill:
You’re apologizing not because you want to make up, but because you want to look good.
I’m the biggest cheerleader… I’m the last person to be accused of not being supportive of my friends.
She [Jill] said Bethenny has her own show. Why should we help her be successful?
I’m not denying it. I was wrong. I apologize.
I was wrong. I was wrong.
It was a mistake. I don’t know. It was a mistake.
You’re right. I held a grudge.
The fact is, all this apologizing came across as insincere, as necessary damage control rather than heart-felt contrition.
Okay! Uncle! We believe she’s sorry (for the consequences), if not for her actions. But at this point, Jill has been tarred and feathered and we should leave her alone. Hopefully, to redeem herself. Hopefully, to take that statement “I can’t change” and examine it. Hopefully, to reconsider it.
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. . .
Then the topper: Kelly Bensimon in total denial, Kelly rewriting reality (TV?) history, Kelly who needs something more than lollipops and jelly beans, Kelly who calls a break-down a break-through, even as host Andy Cohen states “Kelly, that isn’t true” to one of her numerous comments that make little sense.
Bethenny Frankel is often portrayed as the show’s “Greek chorus,” with her classic one-liners and running commentary to situate episode events. At this point, even she is trying to edit herself when it comes to Kelly; there’s something seriously awry. We’re more than wondering. We’re worried. The woman needs help.
A dark season? Oh yes. And one more part to this “reunion” still remains to air. Fortunately, Bravo is offering us lighter fare for the rest of the summer, with new shows like Work of Art and Bethenny’s Getting Married. Peeping through the key hole on pseudo-society is one thing; witnessing relationships and individuals self-destruct is quite a different matter.
Images courtesy Bravo TV.
© D A Wolf

I’m really annoyed that I didn’t know they were doing Part 2 last night! I thought it was going to be this Thurs., and then next. I’m hoping that one of the showings in today’s line-up is Part 2 because I only happened to catch the last 20 minutes last night.
Kelly’s a freak.
Hey April. I don’t know if it’s there yet, but Bravotv.com usually puts full episodes out on its site, a few days after they’ve aired. You may be able to catch it there, and I believe Part 3 is Thursday evening, which means they’ll certainly be running Part 2 before. (Did you see Bethenny’s new show? If so, what did you think?)
I have watched part I at least 3 times (mostly by accident as I pass by doing something else) so don’t worry it will be back.
Big Little Wolf- excellent summary! Even I the biggest fan of Jill last season turned hate your guts don’t mess with my girl B was sick of the Jill bashing. They should just say Jill you looked and acted like an asshole and she should NOT say I’m sorry but simply yes I did! Not it was Allison’s first lay day of school- WTF? We only have 1 more episode and some body, any body, everybody needs to stop Kelly and say Honey- that’s just not how it happened. I don’t think she’s mental I think she’s dumb and she thinks that she can twist things that to her sound better, but to every intelligent person on the planet sounds ridiculous. Oh and BTW did any one else notice she piped up and made comments that were about the other ladies convo’s there was nothing mentioned about her except the breakdown. It’s like she was asleep and then would say “Honestly”.
AngryWorkingMom – Happy to have you here! And yes, yes, yes. I was also a huge Jill fan, and couldn’t believe what I was seeing/hearing this past season, just knowing there was more to the story than we were getting, not realizing what it might be, and embarrassed to be witnessing her self-centered and childish behavior. She really has become the Queen of Excuses, and part of me wonders if all her “mea culpa” is because book sales aren’t going well, or worse, the bad press is affecting the family business. Cynical of me, I know, but…
On the other hand, we only know what we see and read. It must suck to be in the public eye in this fashion, but yes – they signed up for it – a little like marriage, don’t you think? The good and the bad?
As for Kelly, I guess we “watch what happens,” but she’s certainly provided us some interesting jaw-dropping moments.
“and possibly a toxic tour of narcissism.” I’d say that about sums it up!
Personally, I would RUN from any relationships like these but for some reason I find the show entertaining. And Kelly? OMG, what a FREAK show, that one. Unfortunately I know people who are also that delusional.
I’ve never seen the show, but I admire all you pulled from it. Sounds great!
I am so glad that I am not the only one with an addiction to this show! Shameless 🙂 Anyway- I, too, enjoyed the reunions and am excited to see the third part on Thursday. I got so frustrated with Kelly in part 2. If I were the other women I would simply ignore and not feed into her craziness… sigh!
Is your car still not working, BLW? Is that why you’re trapped in the house watching TV? 🙂
Here from Mom Camp Land – where three kids went with me to my physical this morning, trying to peek at me on the scale! – I’m sorry to say I haven’t watched this show because I could use some vicarious gossiping in my life. That is, as opposed to just being one of seven gossipy sisters…
Oh yeah… all those sisters, Linda! (Must have been a house with a constant earful.)
Thanks BLW and AWM – I did finally catch the whole Part 2 episode yesterday 🙂 I am a relatively new viewer to this show, so I don’t have Jill’s complete history, but I thought it was very cool of Bethenny to say that it was enough with the Jill-bashing already. From the little I saw, Jill had a lot to apologize for, and compared to Kelly, who still holds on to the fact that she did nothing wrong on the trip, at least Jill is willing to say she was wrong.
I said “fact,” it’s not a fact. Kelly did a lot wrong on the trip. But she’s still treating the whole episode like she didn’t. OK, I’m going to shut up now.