I wandered into this, compliments of Google. Perhaps you’ve seen it elsewhere, but I loved it. (But then, what’s not to love? It’s delicious and romantic in an endearing, geeky sort of way.) A Parisian love story. Even though it’s an ad for Google, it’s quite charming, meandering from a few key phrases to translate (French), to cultural exploration, to progression through the delights of infatuation… and who doesn’t love love? Especially with Valentine’s Day around the corner?
Not Paris? Try the Riviera or the countryside
Isn’t this a nice time of year to imagine a get-away to somewhere romantic? Is Paris too chilly and gray? There’s always the South of France. I imagine that “tu es très mignon” (you are very cute) works quite nicely there, too. Somehow, I think I’d put my restless legs to better use in an adventure on foreign soil, rather than pounding on my keyboard every day in my current all too familiar locale.
Dream trips?
Ah yes, I do still have those metro tickets in my pocket. And the emergency Euros in my wallet. I know exactly where I would go and put my mastery of the French tongue to use. But first, vitamins, bills, parenting, real life. Fortunately, I have a cache of foreign films of my own. In memory.
- Where would you go, if you could pick up on a whim and just do it?
- Would you go alone, or with someone? Who?
- Up for foreign intrigue at this time of year?
- Or time of life?
Yes, I admit. The lure of France has caught hold again. How long until another 7′ tall French man swings by with a job offer? Ah oui. Still parenting. Oops. 2012 – Parisian adventure? For the museums, the galleries, the bustling quartiers and cultural opportunities, of course. Yes, I said culture. How could you doubt me?

Sigh. It’s snowing like crazy outside right now. I think a little jaunt to Bora Bora sounds pretty nice at the moment. Mai tai, anyone?
Bora Bora. Yep. Or Tahiti. (Or mora mora mai tai’s.)
This is a timely post for me because I just returned from a (wonderful) jaunt to Chicago to visit my new nephew. While there, my sister and I had this terrific talk about Wanderlust. She admitted that she will always have a bit of Wanderlust, a need to stray and travel and get away. And I told her that I would always have a bit of Wanderlust Lust – that I wish I had the desire to escape, but I just prefer to stay put most of the time.
Assuming I had it in me to wander…. I would probably go to Paris too! Check into the Ritz, nibble on croissants and shop uncontrollably 🙂
Wanderlust Lust! Too perfect! (And you know you can shop uncontrollably in Paris… forever.)
That Google commercial was great! Very heartwarming and clever. As for picking up and going someplace dreamy – seriously, I would go anywhere with a dreamy woman.
Wasn’t that a cool thing? I saw it and loved it, and glad you enjoyed it. Ah DM, you are a romantic at heart aren’t you. (All hot, smart west coast women should be sending you valentines!)
This time of year? I’m a broken record – somewhere warm and beachy. French Polynesia seems more attractive than Paris! I think I’d go alone and spend the time in contemplation (read “laziness”), reading, walking on the beach and soaking up the warmth. I spent a couple of weeks in a small village in the southwestern part of France a few years ago and, much as I loved it, for foreign travel I really prefer Italy. The older I get the more I’m up for it!
Hmm…I’m with SimplyForties: as much as I love European cities, I am longing for some sun that radiates heat rather than snow glare. I’ve heard good things about Turks & Caicos, but have never been. Maybe I’ll just join you and Kitch in Tahiti or Bora Bora.
I say we have a gathering – the lot of us – on a Tahitian beach (French speaking, after all). What could be better than that?
Right about now, I will come with you all. My not-really-passable French will be okay as long as you are there, BLW.
Oooohh….My blood is not quite thin enough to enjoy that kind of heat (although if all ya’ll is going, so am I!) sooo….I would rather a northern clime. Ireland, Scotland. Wales. Finland. Fuji. (Fuji is just fun to say)
I would take my sweet baboo.
Nothing could be better than that.
**Paris? Only if I can go a la Charades (the Cary Grant – Audrey Hepburn version)
A seven-foot-tall Frenchman? I’ve never heard of such a thing. It must have killed your neck. Or maybe. . . Never mind.
Just to make you feel better: It’s miserably gray, rainy, cold and dreary here. Doesn’t that pick up your spirits? I thought so.
I love it when you speak French to me.
7’4″ actually. And no one ever guessed who it was! Tish – tu n’as aucune, idée, toi ? Il faut croire aux géants, chère Madame. Presqu’un star. No, rainy gray Paris doesn’t make me feel better. Even gray and rainy it’s a phenomenal city! But we’re going to have a cool blogosphère vacation shmooze tour – Tahiti, with a spin through Finland for Natalie (Boingerhead), so please join us for that Tish – we’d like some men along, too (guys. . .) and not to worry, we’ll have the Frenchspeak covered. Besides, a good glass of wine, a little pout, a Bonjour Monsieur, Bonjour Madame – and you’re good!
Oh, I want to go to France and Italy and Ireland. I hope not alone. But I’ll do it either way.
I was one of the few poopers that didn’t looooove Paris. But after an amazing trip to the Loire Valley in 2008 I have opened my bitter, black heart to Paris again. I would jet off there in a second. And now that I am thinking about it – although I love my husband and friends – I think I am due for a solo trip. One with long walks and lots of time writing in cafes.
I would go to the Isle of Aaron (I spelled that wrong) in south west Scotland. I went last year and stayed for a week. It was the most peace I can ever remember having. Nothing but a bunch of sheep out there and a few distilleries. Beautiful. Of course, I enjoyed the Netherlands also when I got a chance to enjoy it.
Wait for me!!
My husband and I have already planned out trip to Europe. It is set for sometime in 2020. Never too early to plan, right?
Joining all my favorite bloggers in Tahiti would be a dream come true.