There’s a mouse in my house. I’ve been fretting and whimpering about it for days, and he (or she) is growing more audacious with every passing hour. Yes, I was distressed last week as I heard something making noises in what I thought was a vent above the the stove. I imagined a squirrel or […]
I think I can, I think I can…
I feel like the little engine that could! It’s been weeks and weeks of trying to copy my (rather hefty) content over to my new dot com planet – and a HUGE shout out to J for many offers of help and many hours of email hand-holding AND emailing on my behalf that resulted in […]
Are you a hottie?
Are you a hottie? Come on. Admit it. You’ve got to have at least one feature (or move) that you know drives your lover or spouse wild. Hot, hottie, hot! I happened to turn on Bravo TV’s Chef Academy while doing the dishes one night last week. OH MY HOT FLASHES. What a hottie that […]
Passing along the Sugar Doll
Pass the sugar, doll! Drum roll please. As the recent recipient of the Tish-Tish-Tish you shouldn’t have Sugar Doll Award, I now have the honor of passing it along (better than a chain letter, no?) and… I’d like to pass the lovely bubble-gum pink designation to three very different writers: Teresa / Goldfish (On three […]
Generosity: More than a Time of Year
Have you started getting those solicitation letters from your Alma Mater? Or from a variety of charitable organizations asking you for money? It’s that time of year – the season of giving – in more ways than one. Philanthropy Why do universities, museums, research organizations, health care facilities and others stuff your mailbox this time […]
Why do people cheat?
Do you cheat? Let me be more specific. After all – there’s cheating and then there’s fudging a little, right? Did you ever cheat in school? Did you ever cheat at a game? Do you rationalize cutting corners? Did you ever cheat in a relationship, and how “far” is cheating? How do you define cheating? […]
Is Humor Genetic?
Take one smidge of Kathy Griffin, add a dollop of Robin Williams, then a sprinkling of George Carlin. What do you get? A personal mix of madness, and a loopy laugh track based on… what? I find each of these comedians to be funny, or have, at different points in my life. But my sons’ […]
The restorative powers of sleep. (Not.)
Sleep, with all its remarkable restorative powers – to renew, to recharge, to dream. Then we wake refreshed, and begin a new day. No. There are no restorative powers of sleep for me, only restless legs, flailing about, waking repeatedly, disturbing dreams. The morning. Too soon. A knock on my door. It is not yet […]
I'm writing as fast as I can…
Laundry, permission slips, school lunches, art supplies, driving lessons. Another SAT registration. More credit debt. Writing. More writing. Unpaid bills, unopened mail. Researching scholarships, colleges, college visits. Leaky roof, broken mower, burnt-out printer, dying cell phone. And? I’m dancing as fast as I can More writing, more writing, more writing. Another dose to fight anxiety, […]
Teen Party Planner, the Mad Hatter, Down the Rabbit Hole
Teen party planner “Can I have a few people over?” Excuse me? “Saturday night. Can I have a few people over? We’ll sit outside, in the back.” This was unusual. Four sentences. I realize he can talk, and with animation, but generally only when there’s a girl around, or the girl, the OMG hot blonde […]