“I can’t help it,” he said. “Kim did it.” You’ve got to be kidding, I thought to myself. Why did I have THAT Reality TV show on in the background last night, and why did I let him near my computer? I was looking at the screen in front of me. I couldn’t believe it. […]
Action Babe and the Elusive Villain
There was a babe, a push-up corset, a little bit of rock hard belly peeking through. One chic cuff on the left wrist. Hourglass figure, strong thighs, black boots, and big, batting, heavy eyelashes, the false kind, though her eyes were sharp and aware as she readied for attack. She was more than an action […]
Good News Extravaganza (Bad News Moratorium)
Life sucks. We know. I’m tired of reading bad news. Enough already. Do you hear that New York Times? Wall Street Journal? MSNBC? We get it. This guy? No one looks like this guy. Not on my planet. Hell – I’ve got a laptop in my bed, not some hunka-hunka-sweet-faced manhood with pouty lips and […]
Yellow shirts. Red wine. Squirrels on the roof.
Billboard from IKEA. Clouds like cobblestones against an inky sky. A train passes; we pick up speed, underground again, lights reflecting against windows. So few people. Behind me now. I feel him behind me now. It’s late. White shirts, blank faces, no babies or commuters. More white shirts. Good, I think he’s leaving. My black […]
Strange notes; no visible thread
No visible thread, no thread we recognize; only these strange notes, this scent, this cloud of color, this reminiscent taste. Yes, the sensation of relief. Yesterday, walking… and reminders I wondered once what I would remember and what I would forget. Yesterday, walking. Yesterday, restless. Yesterday, too much to do, my first born in the […]
Nek Chand’s Mosaic People, Meg Ryan’s Hair
I am wandering a darkened hallway. Somewhere, the sun is rising. I know it is morning, but the arches and carved stone go on and on like this interminable day of subways and airport shuttles, staring at tracks and walls that begin to tighten around me, more suffocating with each passing minute, the train, now, […]
Andy Warhol Loved Shoes
Andy Warhol loved shoes. Shaking awake. Scrambling to start: 80 miles to go, highway of stacked heels. Four hours to kill in platform slides, sliding back, into sleep. Home again, home again – words and shoes. Road trip, shoe trip, shoe tripping. Andy Warhol loved shoes. Drawings, paintings, screen prints, diamond dust on […]
The Metamorphosis: Mrs. Kafka and the Storage Closet
Awake at 4:30. Something is awry. Sleep again. Restless. Waking, as I try to roll over. Armor back. Trying to sit up. Burning thighs. Bristling, twitching legs. So many of them. What’s happening? Lifting my head to see. Throwing the covers off. My body appears in brown sections – my abdomen, divided and ridged. My […]