Mad Men, anyone? This is a quick reminder – as if you didn’t know – that Season 6 opens tonight on AMC TV.
And for those who read around these parts on a regular basis, you know I’m a proud Mad Men Addict, and muse weekly on the happenings of our favorite characters – Don Draper and the former Missus, Betty; Joan and Peggy, Megan and Sally – admitting to a particular inclination for the way these characters change with the changing times – especially Mad Men’s women.
They’re fascinating!
Aren’t they our mothers, our aunts, our sisters, our wives… Perhaps they’re us, as young adults or as children.
In looking forward to the next few months, not only will you find Mad Men Reviews by clicking on the Mad Men Reviews box along the right, but you will now see that Mad Men is in the Entertainment Menu drop down here at Daily Plate of Crazy, along with other categories of entertainment for you to enjoy.
These menus will continue to fill out for your ease of navigation, not only in Entertainment but in other areas of the site.
In the meantime, enjoy easy access to Mad Men recaps, reviews, and related ruminations every Monday during the season.
So raise your martini glass, your gin and tonic, your screwdriver.
Dig out the love beads and your old LPs!
Enjoy the Mad Men Season 6 trailer if you haven’t already, and enjoy!
Images courtesy AMC TV. Top image, Promo Clip Season 6. Be sure to check Mad Men Reviews weekly, or bookmark Entertainment / Mad Men.
© D. A. Wolf

Right there with you! CANNOT WAIT!!!!
Thanks for the reminder, I would have missed the opener! What year do you estimate they are in now, 1966-67?
We left off in Spring 1967, batticus… So… Unrest of all sorts, and rock ‘n roll…
I worked for a large ad agency during the 1970s and I always feel like I am right back there when I watch..though it was a decade earlier….I cannot believe how much it is like where I worked. I will be in front of my TV again tonight!!
What an episode. I kept thinking of the lines from “Moonstruck”
“Why do men chase women?”
“Because they fear death.”
I remember that, Sharon! Yes! (But did you note in last night’s episode, the doctor doesn’t seem to fear death…)