‘Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house,
Creatures were stirring though no, not a mouse.
Wolfie was wishing she’d managed her timing
(Of cleaning and cooking and writing and rhyming)
To better be ready for holiday feting,
Instead of last minute, all harried, regretting
The still to be tended odd baking and wrapping;
Can you hear those fingers and heels madly tapping?
I’ll let you in – no surprise – there are shoes –
Some in a scarf and others I’ll choose;
No doubt some in red (just right for the season?)
As footwear (bad?) habits show no sign of reason!
And wishing to pleasure the gods of good writing,
Sleep has gone missing, sadly inciting
A much pressing need for hasty wee wishes
to All a good week, as on with the dishes
This busy momma has much to get ready –
Eyes to the clock, nerves to grow steady,
Tasks to be finished by nightfall then bed,
So tomorrow brings fun, and all be well fed –
Guests to relax, not surrounded by mess,
No “eeking” no “geeking,” no worry or stress.
‘Tis time for the friends and the family soon here,
While wishing each one of you seasonal cheer.
Nonetheless a few words from our sponsor (that’s me)
Look to the children and honor their glee,
Watch out for the reindeer (they’re clumsy at play),
Take stock (not of stockings) but good things each day.
Wherever you find yourself sitting this week,
I hope in your noise and your quiet you seek
To smile at a neighbor or laugh with a friend,
Be glad if at Macy’s you don’t overspend!
With this speedy versing to bid you good day,
This little mouse, for a change, cannot stay.
Be safe and be merry. Reach out as you need.
May your moments be peaceful in thought and in deed.

Happy Holidays to you and yours.
You, too, Madge!
You are amazing. Merry Christmas!
And a very Merry Christmas to you, too, Shelley!
Happy Holidays to you and your family! Love the rhyme and your versatility.
A wonderful week of holiday relaxation to you and your family as well, Rudri!