What day of the week is it across the country?
Mad Men Day, of course. And while it isn’t quite evening yet, it’s approaching cocktail hour in my neck of the woods. Why not get a jump on the festivities?
I’ve had a productive weekend, albeit sans my favorite role as provocateur, or should I say provocatrice? But I’m about to mix my martini, muse on my Mad Men, and savor an hour or two of quiet, allowing my mind to wander.
And how, I wonder, will Mad Men‘s writers top themselves this week?
Recent episodes staggered us with unanticipated twists and turns – Don’s descent into drinking, his inner dialog as he digs (or rather, swims) his way out, another plunge over the edge – or nearly – as the possibility of his identity switch threatens catastrophic consequences. We’ve watched the women deal with an assortment of triumphs and crises (including pending birth, possible abortion, and “untimely” demise).
Then there was the shocking scene of abuse involving Lane, just last week.
What could possibly happen next?
Mad Men Season 4 Episode 11 (Chinese Wall)
There’s sand, a crowded car pulling away from the beach, Peggy on the lap of a man she dislikes, or is attracted to. As for the rest?
We’ll have to wait a few hours longer. Mix our martinis. Sip and savor.
So break out the Grey Goose or the Absolut, and get in the mood, shaken or stirred. . .
Images courtesy AMCTV.com. Read more Mad Men musings and recaps.

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