Travel time
This is my kid. Yes, he’s sleeping. Head down, on an airplane. How can he do that??
Dining out
This was last night’s dinner. Out on the town. Shouldn’t everyone go gourmet when they travel?
This delightful appetizer was part of the ambiance last evening, with that fabulous burger and fries.
“What a great idea,” I said, after we scooped some peanuts, and munched them with our burgers. “Wish we had one of these places at home.”
My son rolled his eyes.
“We do, Mom,” he said.
Still – what’s not to love about peanuts and burgers?
Hotel living
“Look at this view!” I said, as we both stood from our ninth story window, overlooking skyscrapers on one side, and a college campus on the other.
“Doesn’t this feel incredible? I love the energy of the city. And it’s so great to get away. Anywhere.”
He rolled his eyes again and gave me a little smile.
“Yes, it is good to get away,” he said.
He doesn’t say much. He gives me a lot of those “looks” – you know – the kind parents get all the time when we embarrass our kids. Not horribly. Just the usual amount of parental embarrassment.
And so far, so good. We’re here. Four months ago, pulling this off was unimaginable. The application process to this program. Figuring out the money. But we did it. He did it, with his brains and his talent.
Parenting pleasures
Yesterday on our flight as my son slept beside me, I realized how long it’s been since we shared a room, or since I watched him sleep.
Today, I’ll settle him into this academic program for the rest of the summer, hope to hit one museum, and head home in the morning. Knowing he’ll be fine. Better than fine.
My parenting job is far from finished, but it continues to evolve. There will be more hoops to jump through, but for now, I am content to spend this important weekend with this plane snoozing, peanut scooping, eye rolling kid who can drive me crazy. And I couldn’t begin to express all the reasons I love him, and how proud I am to be his mom.

Enjoy your time away! I was looking at the photo of your dinner, before scrolling further, and I knew you were at a Five Guys and I have only ever been to one once. LOL!
Good stuff…
Have Fun,
Congrats to both of you! Many milestones and challenges ahead indeed; all the more reason to celebrate this moment.
Yes, many milestones still ahead. Now if only I knew it wasn’t going to be a “get him settled and get out of there” sort of day. 🙂 A very full day for all! And pretty cool.
Congratulations to you both for achieving the goal! It’ll be a summer to remember for sure. I hope you can find a little down time just for yourself before you head back home. And remember, don’t sweat the small stuff! 🙂
It’s great to see this post. As you probably remember, my kids are small, and my husband and I were just talking last night about how hard it can be sometimes to realize these very busy moments go fast, and then, your kid is sleeping face-down on a plane. (I wish I could do that. I have the hardest time sleeping on planes. Really, I hate flying, and the lack of control.) You never love them less, and they never love you less, but the ways you interact are different. Soon enough, instead of wanting to hang out with me, my kids are going to be asking to sleep over their friends’, and my house will feel empty.
Ah, Jana. These days, achieving “non-embarrassment status” is a win. 🙂
I won’t say the years have flown by, but it is a very odd thing to be at this place. Yes, enjoy them while they still want to hang out with you!
I, also, knew you were visiting Five Guys–one of our favorite burger stops.
I can’t wait until I embarrass my kids. I will make the most of of it. : )
yum! might have to go for a burger for lunch!
great job mom, you are a superstar!