Pizza for breakfast
When Saturday begins the springtime break,
And teens migrate to beaches for fun fare,
Parents worry that the kids will flake;
Still, possessing solo time is rare.
Mornings, there is little chance to think,
(True, for me, this long and blurry week),
Empty fridge and dishes in the sink –
Ah, leftovers now perhaps to tweak?
If possibly some Pillsbury to bake
Is hiding near the quarts of low-fat milk,
Since only minutes crescent rolls would take,
Why am I up for foods of other ilk?
Cold pizza sounds like just the very thing.
It will make my morning coffee sing.
. . .
Café au Lait
Yes, coffee is my morning drink of choice,
This you know already (I’ve explained).
Just add hot milk and then it’s the Rolls Royce,
Café au lait, that touch of France, retained.
You may think it’s gross with pizza pie
Or many of the foods I munch in morn –
Love espresso dark and strong and sly,
Even sipped with 9 a.m. popcorn.
And I know coffee yogurt is good stuff –
So cool, nutritious, yummy and delish,
The palate will not find it very rough,
Caffeine and words to fill my morning dish…
So what is waking’s finest first caress?
Mmmm, the very expert in… French press.
. . .
Pain au chocolat
Pain au chocolat is délicieux,
This pastry full of butter and so light
With daring dash of chocolate in its creux*
It’s sure to fill one’s cravings with delight.
Mmm oui, in fact this start will make me purr,
Is there a woman not bewitched by sweets?
Chocolate heats the heart and makes it stir,
Sparking morning’s rousing trail of treats.
Croissants remain a fave for breakfast, too,
Both plain or almond ease our dulcet tones
While opening eyes to loved ones, pups, or views
And dreaming fresh baked maple sugar scones.
Weekend gourmandises are grand when flavored.
Calories consumed are to be savored.
. . .
Cinnamon Buns 
My hunger swirls more strongly ’round this house
With kids away – and it has been some time.
A man, to deal with more than a wee mouse?
(I do not want a lunch meat with my rhyme.)
Yes, rolls are very much now on my mind
The kneaded dough and seasoning just right,
Delectable comestibles designed
For special nibbling after a long night.
It’s breakfast that’s so tastily enjoyed,
Cinnamon and spices can be fun.
Shake and drizzle – lusciously employed,
Making for a hot and tasty bun.
Sticky sweet, you say, in early hours?
Start your day with energetic… powers.
. . .
Shakespeare’s (breakfast) form
I’m sure the Bard attended to his form.
Some Cheerios? More likely a pop tart.
Just part of sparking sonnets wild and warm?
The sort, to juice the literary heart?
No toasters, microwaves or other help
Available for quickly prepared grains
No powdered donuts swallowed with a yelp!
No wonder Will was left to outing stains…
Yet I believe his breakfast was a must,
Perhaps a crusty loaf in open air,
To fuel his poems and plays of war and lust –
What else, to master 14 lines with care?
Some coffee loving helps to break your bread;
Brave Shakespeare dipped his quill, then sipped in bed.
*creux = empty space, hollow

I think I put on 10 pounds just reading this!
And i’m ready for some sweet and sticky buns… and more coffee in a French press! 🙂
Very cute and timely as I sit in my new kitchen with coffee and bagel spread on top with my Daily Plate of Crazy 🙂
YUM! (How’s that new kitchen? All you need is a little French chef-ery and you’re set!)
… complete with short black skirt and tiny white apron.
mais oui!
LOVE this! the verse (vers lege) is lovely….you know how i love mon cafe au matin, and though my croissant preference runs toward the d’amande (i prefer my chocolate unadulterated), i’m with you on the pastry, too.
bon appetit!
Mmm. Amy. Now you have me thinking almond, that makes me think of almond scones, and cinnamon scones, and maple scones… oops! Wrong country! (But oh, those scones. Might Shakespeare have had a scone to break his fast?)
Unadulterated chocolate. (Too funny!)
Just dropped my son at baseball practice, teen daughter still sleeping…coffee here I come, and perhaps today, something to go with it. 🙂
I’m practically drooling over here about pain au chocolat I don’t have. Soooooooo good! There may be a trip out for Nutella and croissants in my very near future …
I’m with Stacia. All this talk about breakfast sweets and treats is making me swoon. And to think: I live at least an hour away from a decent European bakery. I do happen to have a tube of Pillsbury cinnamon twists in the fridge. Would it be wrong to make them at 8:30 p.m., my sons long asleep? No? Oh, good…off I go…
Pillsbury cinnamon anything is acceptable at any hour. (House rules.)
Lovely, lovely writing, BLW! After my week with kugel and charoset, please excuse me for not reading the sweet descriptions too closely. I’m haggard and worn out from food!
Love the pop “tart!” I’m sure Shakespeare would have appreciated it!
So glad you got the “pop tart.” I could make excuses for that, like the genetic predisposition for silly that runs through generations of my family. Or images of Gwenyth Paltrow in her wenchly ways in Shakespeare in Love. We’ll just chalk it up to Spring Break insanity. I’m overcome with delight that I don’t have to make non-stop runs to the high school. For an entire week!
Cinnamon Buns are the one food that I really, really wish were good for you. Love those things and much like a scone, go well with the morning coffee. Although it’s easy to stay away when you realize how long it takes on the treadmill to burn off the calories.