Smart is sexy. Yes, indeed. Smart men can morph themselves into the hottest, most charismatic sexual beings on the planet, no matter what they look like.
So hold the plugs, lose the lifts, and come as you are.
Let’s talk about smart men.
Let’s talk about their irrepressible sex appeal.
Let’s talk about their ample ability to seduce.
Brains (and humor). What could be better?
What’s sexy?
Do piercing eyes, a great smile, and six-pack abs help? Might six feet in stature send some of us reeling? Yes, and yes. Just like the most luscious-to-the-eye female sets the heterosexual male to preening. But is that all there is? Isn’t there a range of sexy that’s considerably more expansive?
Sure, we know there are women who go for power and money. But what about articulate and well-read? What about being aware of the world around you, of new ideas, and able to discuss them – when the woman whose lips have you dizzy with desire wants to use them in conversation?
I’m not one of those money and power seekers. Not my thing. But hey… an intelligent guy who’s without pretension, who can speak on many subjects, who can regale me with stories, and better yet, with humor?
Then I’m in. I’m charmed. And open to the possibilities of more.
What else enhances the package?
Confidence works wonders. In fact, it’s magnetic. Comfort with yourself puts everyone around you at ease, setting up a scenario for all kinds of promising activities.
Hey smart guy – Use those smarts!
How, exactly?
- Smart guys understand that a look, a gesture, the right word at the right time – irresistible, irresistible, irresistible.
- They also know the art of paying attention to the woman they’re with, and to little things that are important to her.
- What else? A blend of what they love and what she loves – stirred, not shaken. Sip slowly. Smile. What a concupiscent cocktail!
Guys. Come on. Women don’t expect – or want – perfection. And despite pop culture insistence, some of us are not looking to change a man. We want give and take. Acceptance. You be you. I’ll be me. Just how much simpler – or smarter – could it all get?
What’s on the outside 
The importance of the exterior?
I’m not about to count it out. That’s both hypocritical and unrealistic.
But handsome men and beautiful women often rely on physical attributes to get what they want. That’s not a critique; it’s an observation. We learn to use assets to our advantage. It’s a competitive world out there!
But we all age.
We’re subject to illness.
We have bad days.
What radiates is what catches our fancy and holds us for the long haul.
What’s on the inside
As for the non-hottie – the perfectly “regular” guy with the paunch or thinning hair – if he’s smart, confident, and knows how to use his intelligence, he can leave quite a trail of satisfied smiles (or broken hearts) in his wake.
Smart men and women know that eventually we want intimacy, someone to see our value, and cherish it.
Looks? They fade.
Character and imagination? That’s the stuff that brains and life experience bring to the fore. And last I heard, there’s no shelf life that I’m aware of.
So bring on your street smart, your book smart, your geek smart! And remember: communication, communication, communication.
Smart men are usually good talkers. And listeners. Women want words, looks, gestures, attentiveness. They want romance. (I know a lot of men who want the same things, by the way. Are we women smart enough to see that?)
Eroticism: the next step up
Eroticism is a brain game as much as anything else. It requires high levels of the sex-smart-quotient and a meeting of the minds.
Erotic games entail an appreciation for elements of sensuality, sexuality, surprise, and intimate adventures. A well placed suggestion, an audacious imagination, trust, communication – all are essential to this tantalizing terrain.
And from what I can tell, the virtuoso of improvisation, the master of open-mindedness, a connoisseur of the well placed… word – is a guy with brains, and a willingness to use them, reading the woman he’s with, as she is reading him.
That’s “sexy smarts,” and it can come along with any other variation.
Examples of smart men with hot women
If we’re looking at smart men who snag themselves straight up stunning women, any number of pairings may come to mind. Consider Salmon Rushdie and Padma Lakshmi. She’s gorgeous (and no dummy); he’s smart as hell. Yes I know. Divorced, like millions of others.
Remember the short-lived Julia Roberts-Lyle Lovett marriage?
And what about Salma Hayek, recently wed? Yes – her hubby is a gazillionaire (the power and money thing), but she’s got her own power and money, so my money is on his smarts and confidence.
Smart sexy single dads? Smart sultry single moms?
Does the smart is sexy rule only apply to men who don’t have to dash off to carpool, or pluck post-its off the fridge for the next supermarket run?
If anything, the single dad has a leg up in the smarts department, particularly when it comes to single mothers. Who better to understand our lives than a man who’s walked a mile in our shoes (preferably not our favorite heels)?
The smart single dad has intuition, creativity, and communication skills galore, ideally without compromising his brain power, his masculinity, or his self-confidence. On any given day he may be as tired as his female counterpart, but women kind of like that. It’s called vulnerability. We’re suckers for it, and you smart guys know that already.
What else gives the sexy single dad his edge? Chances are, he can cook. And if not, he’ll stir the pot, and clean up after. And that, without question, is smart.

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