Calling all divorced dads!
Divorced dads out there! I’m working on a post about Sex and the Divorced Dad – and I need your input! (Ever dated a luscious lovely? A heartbreaking hottie? No? Sorry to hear that.)
But seriously…
Please do leave me a comment on this post with a few words on your dating disasters or dating discoveries. I would love to hear how your experiences stack up to the woman’s view of the man’s world. But not to worry… I’m discreet. As discreet as you’d like me to be. And who knows? Maybe I’ll have an idea for you, or two… on how to juggle – to de-stress, impress, and access the woman (or women) of your dreams.
If you’d care to share:
I would like to hear about the following.
- Did you write your own profile or did you get help?
- Any little white lies? Hers or yours?
- Simmering sex, a love match, a yawn?
- Any great stories that would surprise us?
Tweet me if you prefer – and thanks!

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