It’s going to be a Venus Williams – Serena Williams Wimbledon Final, and I must say, that makes me smile. It’s a classic match-up, and I can’t wait to spend my July 4th enjoying it.
What is it about certain pairings that seems just right? What is it that makes something “classic,” at least to the public eye?
A classic duo seems to offer us a sense of completeness, a yin for its yang. Each element may be remarkable alone, but bring them together and there’s fireworks, or harmony – an extra “something” that we don’t experience otherwise.
A classic also bears the test of time, conjuring strong memories – usually good – that evoke a time, a place, a “first,” or some sensory exploration that makes us smile.
As we slow down – just a little bit – and head into a long holiday weekend, here are a few of my favorite duos that I believe qualify as classics:
- The Williams Sisters
- Abbott and Costello
- Lucy and Desi
- Simon & Garfunkel
- Hot dogs and the Fourth of July
- Pearls and the little black dress
- High heels and stockings
- Strawberries and Cream
The Williams Sisters 
Some of the classic pairings we love involve rivalries – like the Williams sisters meeting on the grass in Centre Court. When there’s a rivalry, we thrive on all of it – the anticipation, the competition, the sportsmanship – and usually, well matched skills that assure us suspense.
We also love to see the underdog win. In this case – it’s hard to think of either Serena or Venus as the underdog, and I know I’ll be happy with whatever outcome occurs.
The pleasure of watching this powerful pair will be more than enough.
Abbott and Costello
Think about Abbott and Costello – and their hilarious films. Tough times make laughter all the more important, and Abbott and Costello are PG-rated humor that even the kids will appreciate.
Can you imagine the “Who’s on first?” routine with any other performers? If you haven’t seen this comic conversation, it’s a classically American, fast-talking bit that does justice to the sport that served as its inspiration.
If you haven’t seen it – please do – here – and find out Who’s on First!
Lucy and Desi
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz charmed and entertained Americans for decades, and continue to spread laughter around the world through their films and television series that are seen many years after they were made.
As a “real life” married couple, their 1950s show captured the hearts of several generations, and brought families together in front of their television sets.
Apparently, sparks flew between those two behind the scenes, and they flew in high comic style in front of the cameras. We loved this duo ‘s qualities of opposites, and opposition; Desi’s dark, Latin straight man sensibilities were the perfect foil to Lucy’s flaming red hair, wild schemes, and childlike antics. There’s a reason that I Love Lucy continues to be a favorite around the globe.
Simon & Garfunkel
Simon & Garfunkel created music that some of us respond to from deep inside the body, as we relive emotions and images from a more hopeful, and rebellious time. Poetic lyrics, beautiful melodies, exquisite harmonies all characterize this extraordinary folk-rock duo from the 1960s.
If you haven’t listened to Old Friends, Sounds of Silence, or Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Time – waste no time getting a taste of the pair’s classics!
While singer-songwriter Paul Simon forged himself a successful solo career (in the 1970s), the dynamic of that pair working together was extraordinary. Here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson!
Hot dogs and the fourth of July
I love hamburgers and fries, but I must admit, when it comes to July 4th, I can’t imagine it without hot dogs!
In our household, growing up, hot dogs weren’t considered “good for you” food. And my mother’s kitchen was all about eating healthy. But on the fourth, more standard fare was amply allowed – and that included hot dogs – which I considered a treat.
I’m all for the other holiday foods that may be part of your family tradition – fried chicken, barbeque, watermelon, or almost anything on the grill. But give me Wimbledon, and then give me hot dogs!
Pearls and the little black dress
Did you know it was Coco Chanel who stripped away corsets and adornments, giving us the simplicity of the little black dress? It may be an American classic – a woman’s classic – but we have the most iconic of French designers to thank for it!
Add a string of pearls and you’ve achieved a timeless combination – the simplicity of a total “look” that is quintessential elegance, à la Coco Chanel.
We also have Chanel to thank for a great line: “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”‘ In your little black dress and pearls – you are!
No surprise, then, that Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, and Jackie Kennedy are among the style stars who made this look their own.
And it’s no accident that stunning First Lady Michelle Obama shines in this classic combination that she chose for her official White House portrait.
High heels and stockings
What is the little black dress without the classic pumps to complete the picture? I may love to go bare-legged, even in heels, but there’s little to compare with the visual and sensual effect of high heels and stockings.
Whether it’s a Jimmy Choo or a Manolo Blahnik, a sexy stiletto is perfectly paired with silky hose – and transparent black is irresistible with black, spiky heels, whatever designer you might choose. Kate Winslet certainly makes the point, in this delectable fashion spread from Vanity Fair:
Strawberries and cream
As I watch the Federer – Haas match-up this morning, while sipping my coffee, I wonder what it would be like to be enjoying from the stands at Wimbledon. And that brings me to another classic – a Wimbledon classic – strawberries and cream!
Here’s a great, easy recipe to enjoy this weekend, as you whip up some sweet cream for dipping your berries. Hot dogs and strawberries and cream? Why not!
And happy fourth!

Federer and Haas indeed, a great example of grass court tennis! What could be more exciting than to watch Federer chasing his 15th grand slam title and the men’s slam record.
Some of my other favorite tennis classic pairings:
Laver and Rosewall
Newcombe and Roche
Smith and Natase
McEnroe and Borg
King and Court
Navratilova and Everett
Graf and Sabatini
Sampras and Agassi
Federer and Nadal
As for the other categories, oh là là, they speak for themselves!