Does the man or woman exist who doesn’t think that breasts are beautiful – in the abstract, or in person?
You may like them small and perky, or pear-shaped and voluptuous. Perhaps you prefer them natural, or go ga-ga over ecstatically enhanced E’s. Certainly, in the privacy of our homes (or a French beach?), gazing online, and wandering the hallowed halls of our museums, we pause to admire the bodacious and the demure.
The beautiful breast.
Take a look at this photograph by Alfred Stieglitz, from 1907. This is art. I find it exquisite. But tell me – does it offend you?
Now let’s try another question. Would you hang this photograph in your bedroom, proudly? What about your living room? Would you worry if more conservative friends come to call, or do you not give a damn as long as you love it?
Naked Truth
What is it about nudes and nudity?
Are you embarrassed by nudity in general? Do you simply subscribe to the belief that there is a place and time for baring all?
What about art – fine art – the eloquence of the human form, as captured by the lens or the painter’s brush, and offered to the viewer for our interpretation?
Apparently, there are still places where a skillfully painted nude that is part of a sophisticated narrative is cause for consternation. And controversy. And I stumbled upon one such instance, very recently.
Not in front of the children, Dear
From time to time I venture out into the world, generally to see art. I’ve popped over to Paris to view shows (and write about them), and no, not lately. I’ve zipped to New York to indulge my soul (MOMA as Nirvana), and traveled the highway headed to Atlanta (no passport required).
Atlanta is a lovely city, albeit one in which it seems the Real Housewives can strut their stuff with bouncing breasts, beholden to their surgeons, but a gorgeous work of art on a gallery wall?
Not in front of the children, please.
At least, so sayeth a handful of morality gatekeepers, who claimed that the 1960s-themed work of contemporary painter Sharon Shapiro had to be moved to the back, so the ostensibly offending nude would not perturb shoppers in a nearby store – shoppers with children in tow.
And the gallery complied.
Art stirs the soul; and what of the Savage B(r)east?
I am an unabashed fan of Shapiro’s work, and have been since I first saw it in the 1990s. Her evolution as an artist (and keen observer of cultural contradictions) has yielded almost 20 years of work that exposes the complex inner world of women, societal expectations, and the murky mix of sexual ambivalence directed toward children as well as adults.
Among the works I find most compelling are those in which she addresses the disturbing awareness of budding sexuality in young girls – its purity, which we as adults perceive with wistfulness, and a tinge of (legitimate) worry.
Feminism and Sex
Equally troubling in Shapiro’s work is the issue of child as woman, and woman as child (and implicitly, those men who seem drawn to both). Shapiro’s paintings touch on a range of feminist concerns to do with sex and power, though all so subtly crafted that it is in looking at Shapiro’s body of work as a whole that we come to understand the questions she challenges us to consider.
For example, is feminism anti-sex? Is adoration of the female form necessarily exploitation? Is there such a thing as the gently erotic?
In Shapiro’s alluring imagery, feminism and sex collide, coincide, and reside together as a celebration of the uneasy confines of physical beauty, without denying the need to belong to ourselves. The strong woman is not an unfeminine one, nor is the sexual woman anti-feminist.
Perhaps the artist’s embrace (and fondness) for our collective memory of the 1960s pin-up is just the sort of spark we need for an important conversation. And isn’t this the very same visual and verbal material we’ve come to adore in Mad Men – woman rebelling against body image while recognizing its power, not to mention its eroticism?
1960s Womanhood
The Virginia-based artist has been nudging us to examine these themes for years, long before our contemporary fascination with Don Draper’s women.
In her examination of admiration for (and attraction to) woman’s inherent sexuality, it’s hard to deny the pleasure of her palette, the contradictions of its confectionery tones, and equally, the contradictory nature of our prudish American sensibilities which are apparently alive and well, and living in Atlanta. Even on a gallery wall, in a sophisticated commercial district, in a contemporary city – which ought to know better.
Following Shapiro’s opening of her show, “California” at Atlanta’s Tanner Hill Gallery, and (to the best of my knowledge) three complaints about the large canvas given a prominent position on the front wall, the gallery did indeed cave to public pressure. The painting, (ironically) entitled Ease, was moved.
Oh, it doesn’t take many voices to stir up a fuss. And this fuss seems oddly anachronistic, when a partial nude that is part of a series painted several years back causes controversy, and a form of passive censorship in a city that could do with better PR than the likes of the Housewife franchise.
Incidentally, this is a particularly tender showing of Shapiro’s artworks, and Ease was originally exhibited in a Charlottesville, Virginia gallery. Without a flap, I might add.
Last I heard, Charlottesville, with its population of less than 50,000, remains more “small town” than Atlanta. At least, one would think so.
However, Atlanta (population 5.4 million) appears to be hanging on to some very small town tendencies. All it takes is a pair that is bare, and this southern city will rise again – calling for the painting to be moved or removed, as it is – or should I say, was – visible from the street and a nearby store.
Sunning and stunning?
I have seen this painting. In fact, I brought my son with me to the opening. Shapiro’s color sense and brushwork are delectable, the image is bold without being brazen, and its context – well, one can quickly imagine this statuesque woman about to sun herself by a private pool, in this intimate exhibition that conjures a dream-like version of mid-century California.
I admit that my children have grown up around art, including nudes which hang on our walls and lean against our (uncensored) overcrowded bookcases.
We don’t walk around our house in the buff (though I have no issue with those households that do); I have encouraged a realistic and healthy attitude toward the emotional and physical aspects of human sexuality. I hardly consider the nude form as prurient, inappropriate, or dangerous. Particularly as part of a fine art exhibition.
My issue is largely with those who object; I understand that galleries are fighting for survival in many cities around the country.
My advice to those parents who were concerned about their children viewing the partial nude?
Worry about drugs and alcohol in the middle schools, not paintings on a midtown gallery wall. Better yet, teach your sons and daughters to love their bodies as they are, and to treat them with respect.
Fame as a Feminist Issue?
I won’t belabor the point any longer except to say: close-minded throwbacks, one, art patrons, zero.
But the real question for me is why a painter of this caliber isn’t hanging in the permanent collections of our museums, though clearly, Atlanta may not be a contender for a Shapiro piece, and more’s the pity.
Still, is it the fact that her feminist message is not facile? Not sufficiently “feminist,” and likewise, not pop culture enough to accommodate easy classification?
Why aren’t we encouraging our men and women of any age to revisit our social constraints and human ambiguities? And why does the machinery of the art world continue to favor its men?
Stieglitz image: Clarence H. White and Alfred Stieglitz. Original uploader was Dustingc at en.wikipedia
Shapiro images: Courtesy the artist, and Poem88, Tanner Hill Gallery, Atlanta.

As one who would hang any of those images shown in my living room and my bedroom both, I am amazed at what upsets people. Having posed naked for a sketch group, I have to say that nudity is not a problem to me.
Thank you for your feedback, Nicki. (I only wish you could see Shapiro’s work in person.)
I have various pieces of artwork around the house that might offend some people. As an artist I have painted nudes too. But as I pick who comes in my house, I’m not too worried about it. But we are careful to keep the more provocative artwork pieces in the upstairs bedroom areas.
You ask hard questions though when it comes to the art world. Maybe it’s a financial thing as for the most part men appear to be more visually inclined. And it is not just me noticing this.
Interestingly enough, when it comes to movies, that industry seems to target young men even though statistically 52% of all tickets are sold to women. No, really.
I do agree that we “let in” those we wish – therefore we screen, in effect.
And I do understand that gallery owners (like any good neighbors) are cognizant of their environment and wish to be respectful of their neighbors. But this is an art gallery, and a stunning, elegant, intelligent artwork. One to show off proudly, not hide.
Powerful and provocative stuff here, BLW.
You live in a city where this wouldn’t be perceived as remotely shocking. I’m interested to know though, Aidan – as a woman who has played hardball in a man’s world, as a woman who is both strong and feminine, and as a mother to little girls – would you be bothered if your daughters saw and commented on this painting while you were out shopping? I realize your girls are still very young, but how do you want them to feel about their bodies, and the issue of nudity?
My former wife’s academic work often involved the theme of nudes from classical times, and I was her favorite study example of a Greek Kouros (well, that was some years ago). Also some years ago, at one point my love partner lived at a Canadian nudist resort of the classic (in a different sense) Germanic health variety. She has fond memories of cross-country skiing au naturel on sunny days. Interesting that prior to this, each of us was raised with a mix of intellectually liberal and physically conservative attitudes toward the human body.
I’m on the side that the art gallery is just being neighbourly and adjusting their external view which was an acceptable thing for them to do (assuming the exhibit is still on); I would complain if a gallery posted some of Robert Mapplethorpe’s more notorious images outside to advertise an exhibit (not to say that what RM passed off as “art” is comparable to Sharon’s art, one requires rare and unique talent, one requires fools to urinate on each other and a camera).
Any of the other images you had in the post probably would have been fine outside the gallery; the bright colours and curve appeal of “Ease” makes it eye catching and it drew attention to itself. The attention doesn’t diminish the painting, it is beautiful and executed by a keen talent. Thanks for promoting this work, I hope to see it in person someday.
I appreciate hearing “the other side” – the good neighbor side. Thanks for sharing, batticus.
Our reactions reflect our own issues. I don’t know why nudity offends so many. Perhaps they should come to San Francisco for the Folsom Street Fair and get their fill of nakedness of all shades and very public displays of same-sex affection, killing two birds with one stone.
Certainly our reactions reflect our environment and upbringing. Perhaps we should encourage a cultural exchange between the cities? (It would indeed be eye-opening!)
We have a big Modigliani nude in our bedroom–it’s a beautiful painting–but sometimes people who see it say, “Whoa, there!” I’m always kind of surprised by that??
A Modigliani nude. Delicious. (I still don’t understand what the big deal is. Call me crazy… )
Hey BLW, This sort of regressive behavior suggests the depth to which old and crumbling social structures may feel threatened. Sort of like the Victorian age where an exposed table leg could be considered risque by people engaging in just a wee too much projecting… To be up in arms about such mild fare makes me think that the threatened might calm down if they could somehow eat their fears and re-integrate them consciously into their psyches… perhaps some chicken breasts on Judy Chicago plates with a side of where’s the real beef?
That Modigliani nude is indeed delicious.
To be 100% honest, though I have no problem seeing and appreciating nudes and would encourage my sons to “stop all that giggling due to discomfort” I personally would not hang modern artworks of explicit nudes in my house. I guess I just came out as a philistine…
I stared long and long into the eyes of a Modigliani nude one lazy afternoon many years ago. And suddenly I knew that her was he lover, and that she was returning his gaze, and her heart was bursting with him. Magic.