Thanks to the ever-gracious and courageous Wendy at Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired, I am the proud recipient of the Sugar Doll Award!
I am particularly pleased to receive this from Wendy, because knowing she reads what I write matters a great deal to me. That my site provides both community and a bit of whimsy has encouraged me to be more open with some of what I have experienced in the past, and am dealing with now.
To say that reading her words is helpful (and grounding) is an understatement. Her daily bravery is no small thing, and I would urge you to visit her site, and you’ll understand why I say that. Wendy, thank you. For everything.
The Sugar Doll Award Requirements
So here’s how it works. The pastel-clad Sugar Doll is passed along to one or more terrific writers who connect, contribute, entertain, enlighten, and otherwise make our day. Each person who receives it may then choose one to ten others to whom it is given. And the recipient is required to post “Ten things you don’t know about me.” In other words – give us the scoop on some tidbits we wouldn’t otherwise know!
Now. About this particular shade of rose…
I’ll readily admit that Pepto pink isn’t my color, and I’m not very “sparkly” when it comes to my style sensibilities, unless we’re talking black, a Parisian setting, and just the oh-so-right earrings and opera length gloves to match. Or maybe a little biker chic by way of leather jeans, the perfect T, and gladiator heels?
Well, perhaps not this week. But fashion (non)sense and sensibilities aside, no one said that a guy can’t be one helluva doll.
My picks for the Sugar Doll include some hot-hottie-hot writing men, along with some very special women. That means breaking out the tuxedos and top hats as well as the Red Carpet gowns and baubles. Polish up your acceptance speeches (and exotic informational lists) and go for the pink – champagne that is. Oh hell, have a bourbon or a Bloody Mary if you prefer.
A toast to each of you (and a thank you), for sharing your wit and wisdom with those of us who get so much out of reading you.
Red carpet fashion, please. And a drum roll…
Okay, Joan Rivers. Whip out the microphone and give us the run down as our recipients show off their designer finery. Tuxedos and tiaras. And haute couture footwear, naturally… Paparazzi, please. And now, the envelope:
- Bruce, at Privilege of Parenting, who always keeps us thinking and learning, not only about our kids, but our world
- David, at Dads House Blog, who keeps us grinning in ways that are winning…
- Big City Dad, at, well…
Big City Dad, whose thoughtful musings remind me that some men do ask for directions - TKW at The Kitch Witch, because she’s funny as hell and feeds us at the same time
- Amber, at Making the Moments Count, whose voice grows stronger by the day, and is a delight to read
- Linda, at Bar Mitzvahzilla, who can tell a tale, speak much truth, and always make me smile
- Lindsey, at A Design So Vast, whose insightful words are pure poetry
- Natalie, at Boingerhead who is, simply put, a magical spirit all her own
- Martini Mom, at (you guessed it) Martini Mom, who makes me think and earns her drink
- Elizabeth, at Irreverent Musings on Faith, Love, Life, and Politics, who has much to say that will surprise, challenge, and inform you.
Learning communities
One of the pleasures of this exercise is in broadening our reading and writing communities: sharing narratives, anecdotes, laughter and discussion on everything from pop culture news and views, to values, health, and family – and seeing things from perspectives other than our own.
In each of these writers you will find humor, authenticity and generosity of spirit, and I know they will pass along the Sugar Doll Award to others whom we’d enjoy getting to know. And then, they’ll share their own list of “Ten things you don’t know about me” – either in the same post, or a separate post, sometime in the days that follow.
Appropriate attire required – little black dress?
Meanwhile, I’ll be putting on my very chic estate sale thinking cap (above) – and quite possibly my favorite little black dress and pearls (Coco Chanel would approve).
Shoes? Natch… Stilettos, guaranteed. Then I’ll work on a list to amuse you (those 10 things you still don’t know about me), coming to a theater near you. Soon!
So for all you newly named guys and dolls, we look forward to reading you, and then enjoying your selections as you pass along the award.

Thanks, BLW! It’s an honor to share space with some of these awesome people! And thanks also for giving me some new bloggy friends to check out!
My pleasure. Now if your list of ten things that we don’t know about you is more Edgar Pines and kiss-and-punch, I’ll gird up the loins for the laughter that’s going to give me a hernia. 🙂
Oh, thank you!! Wow! I feel greatly honored!!
I will be signing autographs out in back, with my cool name, Ambrosia.
: )
As for you, Ms. Amber(osia), I’ll teleport westward quickly, to get one of those autographs! Meanwhile, “amber” conjures a very beautiful color for me, and a precious stone, filled with light and dark and mystery. Not such a bad thing, my friend.
I would so totally love to see you in biker chic. And that is all!
I dare say, Ms. Sarah, there is a bit of Biker Chic(k) in my closet. It hasn’t been out for a ride in awhile…
Oh my goodness, thank you, BLW.
What an unexpected honor, to find myself in the company of such a wonderful crew. And since I trust your taste in superb prose as much as I trust it in fine shoes, I am excited about reading the other blogs you recommend.
Ten things you don’t know about me…hmmm. An interesting challenge. Let me have a glass of wine and wrassle with this one.
What a happy surprise and outright honor this Friday evening!
Thank you, thank you, BLW – really flattering and wonderful coming from you, whose writing and thinking I think so incredibly highly of.
I’m so glad to have met you out here in the wilds of the blogosphere.
Thank you, thank you!
BLW, Thank you for the award! I appreciate it and your kind words. I’m happy to be on a list of one of my favorite writers along with so many of my favorite writers. I’m already checking out the blogs of those bloggers with whom I’m unfamiliar.
I will be watching your blog with unswerving attention, awaiting your list of 10 things we don’t know about you, since there’s just this air of European mystery about you, BLW. Let’s put it this way; don’t even try to tell us you like shoes. Really.
Thanks again.
Great post – and I love the blogger awards and those you have chosen – some I read, but some are new, and you know how much I love finding new blogs to read 🙂
BLW, thank you so much for the Sugar Doll award! I don’t believe anyone has called me Sugar since I lived in the South. I’m very flattered that such an experienced blogger and writer would think highly of my writing. Always love reading your opinion and posts. You’re definitely one of the most thoughtful writers out there. 🙂
Me?! Me?! Oh you crazy woman, I love you so much. I just saw this and made my freaking year already. My first blog award!
Your first, Natalie??? Dahlink – you deserve them IN SPADES!!!
Wow, really?! And I’ve felt so worthless lately (as a blogger, anyway). Thank you! Hopefully this will give me the first kick in the pants to start writing again!
Martini Mom – I love your blog! And the way you tell your story! I hope more people pop over and read you! So congrats, and yes – please write some more!!