I’m feeling swamped. Not in a bad way, but swamped all the same. Not with mother duties. Certainly not with household chores, as anyone stopping by for a visit might agree, raising an eyebrow and thinking I ought to man the mop and dash for the dust cloth. In fact, I’m up to my eyeballs […]
Putting Motherhood on the Resume
Working motherhood? Challenging expectations.
DON’T Call Me Dear!
Some things are just WRONG. Calling me “Dear” is one of them!
Do You Over-Complicate Your Life?
Life is complicated. Sometimes, we’re the cause.
Men, Women, Infidelity (More Double Standards?)
Men, Women, and midlife infidelity.
Confidence and Compensation
Women, confidence, and bringing in the bucks.
Don Draper Dreams
“I want less mess around here,” he says. “And that means less stuff. We’re selling this place, and we’re living more simply.” Not the words I expect from Don Draper, and I wonder how it is that I’m witness to this private conversation. Well, somewhat private. It’s a small guestroom in a part of the […]
Facing It
There was no need to lie about my age as I moved through the corridors of the school with a thirty-something man at my side. I was wearing my twenty-something face. I was lost on the way to a lecture, and he was a Teaching Assistant I had approached outside the brick building as he […]
Let Them Eat Cake
Why diets fail… and more on food, fitness, and body image.
The F Word. No, Not That One.
Feminism: Just one of many “F” words we need to understand more fully.