Dating dilemmas, dating solutions.
Nice Guys Finishing First? Maybe It Means Raising Different Daughters
I came across another one of those articles on why nice guys finish last, and reading through the list of reasons – always good for a chuckle – I found little to agree with, and a sizable missing piece. First, to the typical description of the “Nice Guy,” and the reasons he seems to finish […]
Relationship Approach: Strategy or Serendipity?
He shows up with a dizzying armload of flowers, and behind them – his mischievous smile I’ve come to adore, the one that lightens everything that crazies me, the one that makes me want to drop whatever I’m holding as I take his face in my hands and kiss him, then kiss him again, and […]
Feeling Foolish
There are times I want to reach out to someone, but I hesitate. I don’t want to embarrass them. I don’t want to make assumptions. I don’t want to embarrass myself. There are times I’m skeptical when someone praises me, though that happens less as I get older. These days? Offer me a kind word, […]
Blind Spots
Oh, those first days and weeks of falling in love! Perhaps it’s with your infant, as you hold her in your arms and breathe that miraculous scent of new life. Maybe it’s a man who sweeps you off your feet and the air is sweeter, colors more vibrant, and you find a bounce in your […]
Good Riddance to Bad Habits
Viewing toxic relationships as bad habits… that you can break.
False Front on the Sexual Front?
The fine line between sexing it up and false advertising.
Bad Girls, Good Guys
The Bad Girl? The Bad Boy? Sexual bait-and-switch to get the brass (wedding) ring?
Emotional Stagnation: The Cost of Doing vs Not Doing
Fighting inertia… with an insistence on change.
“Let The Man Be The Man”
“Let the man be the man,” says Patti Stanger from an adjoining room, as I rinse dishes and load them into the washer. It’s just one of many catch phrases she uses on the Bravo series, “Millionaire Matchmaker.” I admit I’m no stranger to Bravo in the background, which might explain my otherwise mystifying middle-of-the-night […]